Sunday, November 13, 2005

Strands Begins Next Week!

(B. Schatz)

So, a few years ago, I completed a story. It was called "Strands", and I was so incredibly proud of it, I began to show it to everyone who would take the time to read the printed copy.

And they loved it. Some told me that they even cried while reading it, and the thought of making people feel absolutely horrible made me happy inside.

But here's the thing everyone didn't know: what they read, was a first draft. It was terribly rough and some of the dialogue made me cringe. However, even in all this time, I've done nothing with the property.

Until now.

"Strands" will be posted at this site starting on November 21st, 2005, all shiney and pretty, and will be serialized until mid-February. But, if you can't wait that long, an "in-your-hand-kind-of-book" version will be availible by December 8th.

Check out the site for details when "Strands" premieres next week.

And if you have any questions regarding "Strands" send them to twofistedtoast - at -, or make a comment below! I'll hopefully use them as a countdown to the beginning.

Magnanimously yours,



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